Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Greasiest Generation

Mind-numbing exchange between two morbidly obese middle-aged women in a very long checkout line at the world's worst grocery store:

Morbidly Obese Woman 1: "Have you ever seen that public television channel?"

Morbidly Obese Woman 2: "Is that the one with all them history programs."

MOW 1: "Yeah, they're actually pretty interesting."

MOW 2: "Oh, yeah, history's awesome. I watched part of Saving Private Ryan last week"

MOW 1: "That's an exciting movie...I think American history is the best. Actually, would that be American history?"

MOW 2: "Saving Private Ryan?"

MOW 1: "Yeah, would Saving Private Ryan be American history, or would it be French history? Because you know that movie is based on real events, and they took place in France."

MOW 2: "So I guess that would be both American history, because of the Americans, and French history because of the location."

MOW 1: "Wait, those donuts were on sale!"


Anonymous said...

It would be BOTH!

My brain is utterly rattled. But, that's why I'm a Mabeler (in the UK, that's spelled Mabelre)... well, that and someone set my homepage to it and I can't figure out how to change it.

That being said, I hate learning something new in morning as it's just gonna be downhill from here. I generally save that right for Lou Dobbs and his oh so pleasant jowls.

Anonymous said...


I feel that I have been in your position before. Maybe in the checkout at Dirty Dillons in LW. Luke almost had a breakdown there because of similar circumstances.