Tuesday, December 19, 2006

avertissement de robot et de vagin

A Mabel exclusive from Jimmy Q. Statson of Gay San Francisco:

How, you may ask, do the French manage to compete in the global economy when the government restricts the legal workweek to 35 hours? How is it, exactly, that your average Jacques Doe finds time to spend hours upon hours smoking cigarettes and drinking red wine in cafes while his Chinese counterpart, Xinxou Smith, toils in the factory?
I'm afraid I've inadvertently stumbled upon the answer -- and it's a piece of information that will change history forever.
My fair lady and I were at her cousin's apartment in gay Paree last week for a "soiree" (as I believe they call it). After 45 minutes of stuffing myself with baguette, I was parched -- that bread will really dry you out. I excused myself to the kitchen to grab a glass of "eau", where I noticed a water heater over the sink. More importantly, I noticed this:
Your eyes deceive you not. It is a water heater installation instruction label. For ROBOTS. That's right, friends: in France, it would appear that robots do the vast majority of manual labor. It's a bit curious to me that the robot manufacturers have chosen to not preprogram the robots with knowledge of water heater installation. I guess it's probably because they're afraid that if the robots are too smart they'll rise up and destroy their human overlords. And believe you me, don't nobody over there want another revolution.
So that whole robot thing was pretty weird. But then we went to this museum the next day and I saw this:
Which made me feel a lot better.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Is it just me or have robots started to take over the world. First they are riding in elevators and now they are installing water heaters. I have seen "The Terminator" I know what happens next and I don't like it. It is a good thing that John Conner will help save the day and the Terminator is too busy trying to run California

LW said...

I hate to post a comment when I have nothing to add to this startling robo-erotic post. But I just had to report that the word verification letters right now spell "vagisjjcu," and I don't think this is a mistake.