Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We got some rain out in Lone Jack

I'm sick and tired and cranky. I can't work. I can't sleep. I'm hungry but my throat is swollen and I can' t taste. I just watched Harry and the Hendersons for Jebus' sake. I don't really want to post, but have nothing else to distract me. So I'm going to rant with the hope that it'll exhaust me. It's been awhile, so bear with me. Or go fuck yourself. Either way.

Let's start with the cleaning lady at my office. I hate her. Now, I'm probably going to feel pretty bad about this tomorrow, but...I really do hate everything about her. I hate her stupid Disney sweatshirts. I hate that she takes a smoke break every twenty minutes. I hate that she is always coughing and is seemingly stupefied by the fact that she "just can't shake this cold." I really hate that she's always counting down the hours to the end of the day or the days to the end of the week. Or even worse, lamenting the brevity of the weekend, even though she only works four days a week. I hate that she lives in a place called Lone Jack. I hate that I know where her sister lives, not to mention that it's in a place called Buckner. I hate that the first thing I hear every morning when I get to the office is her vacuum cleaner and the last thing I hear is the squeaky belt on her rusted-out Pontiac Bonneville (and don't even get me started on Pontiacs) , which has a personalized plate that I can't figure out (THRM8S). I hate that she empties my trash every day at 2:45, even if the only thing in the trash is a gum wrapper and a couple sheets of paper. I hate that while she's changing the lining to my trash can she'll look out the window and say something like, "It's always something new." I don't even know what that means. Is it always something new? You're a cleaning lady. You vacuum the same carpet at the same time every day. You measure your days in cigarettes. You wear a Donald Duck sweatshirt every Thursday. Jebus, that pisses me off. I hate that she laughs at anything anyone says, even when it's not a joke.

On the other hand, I guess she's fairly harmless. She always says hello. She pre-makes coffee for us. Now I'm starting to feel kind of bad about hating her. Which is, in turn, making me kind of sleepy. On that note, I'm going to take another nap to ensure that I can't sleep again tonight, which very well might lead to another angry rant tomorrow. Toodles.


Anonymous said...

Is her plate The Roommates?

Anonymous said...

Does she eat a lot of Little Debbies? If so, I think I used to work with her.

Anonymous said...

One might mistake your ire as cover for a hidden passion, burning deep in your loins. I suggest you release your inner demons - and pull a Costanza.