Monday, January 22, 2007

Meatball Hero

It snowed 3-6 inches on Saturday. It was fucking beautiful. To celebrate I made 85 meatballs. They were fucking delicious. I simmered them in Jeffy's famous tomato sauce. I also made garlic bread, which was also fucking delicious. I ate more of both on Sunday morning. And then for lunch on Sunday. And then I got pretty drunk last night and ate several more before heading to bed. I ate a bagel and one meatball this morning for breakfast. At lunch I had a heaping bowl. And as you can imagine, I had more meatballs for dinner. Only four remain, though I am less than enthusiastic about putting them in my mouth. I don't feel well. I think I've eaten too many meatballs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meatball must have been in the air. My pre-half marathon carb load with 3 friends, I made the grand decision to mix 5 pounds of meatball meat and 3 pounds of spaghetti. My own sauce of course. What a grand idea!

Needless to say, I carb loaded twice the night before, twice after the run, and at least once a day until the thawed portion of meat was gone.

Shit...I just realized I have another pound of cooked pasta, on it's way to rot, in my fridge, dying for a meatball to snuggle up with.

Beer's gone...gotta go!