Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If it were easy as fishin' ...

Well, I did it. I made it through an entire day of work without doing any work. I'm not going to lie to you, it wasn't easy. It took quite a bit of work to not do any work. But as my pappy used to say, "A job worth not doing is worth not doing well." He was so wise.

There have been many days when I've done very little work, but never a day where I've accomplished absolutely nothing. And I've tried; I've really tried. But something always comes up: a meeting, an email, a visit from the boss. But today was a perfect storm of workplace sloth. I contributed absolutely nothing to the organization today. And it felt great. My schedule today:

8am: Arrived one hour late (after nine snoozes).

8-8:15am: Cancelled real meeting; filled schedule with fake meetings.

8:15-10am: Read The Onion, NY Times, and slue of blogs.

10-10:30am: Sent e-mails, wrote blog post, paid bills online.

10:30am-1:30pm: Drove home, played ball with dog, watched episode of Six Feet Under, fixed delicious and nutritious vegetable fried rice for lunch, took scenic route back to work.

1:30-2pm: Stared blankly out window while listening to This American Life archive.

2-3:30pm: Went to Starbucks for a chai tea latte, picked up sundries at Target, looked for non-stick skillet at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

3:30-4pm: Played Orbitz games.

4pm: Programed computer to shut down in one hour. Left work one hour early, departing through back door.

So what does this prove? What's the commentary here? Is it that the modern work environment breeds apathy? Or is it that a floundering work ethic is certain to doom America's global future? Shit, I don't know. Alls I know is that sometimes not working is better than working. Today was one of those days.


Snakin said...

I forgot my 20% off BB&B coupon, so I didn't buy the skillet. I'll do that tomorrow. As for my "work" schedule, I feel that it's very important to have an open relationship with my wife. I don't hide anything from her, save some midget porn and a lifetime of dark, twisted thoughts. I must also add that while I don't get paid all that well for writing, I am generously compensated for running errands, paying bills online, playing with the dog, and listening to the radio. And while I don't spend quite as much time surrounded by idiots, I get my taste.

Anonymous said...

That's impressive. To would or even could put so much effort into avoiding the actual task of work. Sounds like a George Kastanza move if you ask me.

How much work to avoid work happened today??