Friday, February 16, 2007

Not so random, not so kind

Did you know that it is Random Acts of Kindness Week? I didn't, at least until my office told me so. It seems that they meticulously planned a number of random acts that we could commit as a group.

The intent is all well and good, I suppose. The "random" acts, however, seem a bit uninspired--bringing cans of pinto beans to abused women (protein so they can grow strong and learn to stand up for themselves); taking three-month-old magazines to a retirement home (because most of them don't know that November was three months ago); hugging a coworker and telling him/her that they are appreciated (or that you love the feel of their ample body pressed up against yours). It's better than no acts of kindness at all, I guess.

If you are still looking to plan something randomly kind this week, the Random Acts of Kindess website has 100 suggestions. Some of my favorites include:

11. Buy a stranger a free pizza (but don't let him select the toppings)
13. Sing at a nursing home (May I suggest the theme to Mr. Belvedere?)
20. Treat someone to fresh fruit
31. Wipe rainwater off shopping carts
79. Invite someone new over for dinner (You could easily combine #s 11, 20, 31, and 79: "Excuse me, sir. Would you like to come to my house this evening for mushroom pizza and honeydew? Oh, and don't forget your shopping cart. I'll wipe it down for ya after we grub.)

There are also a number of suggestions that, if not carefully considered, could lead to a bout or two of legal trouble:

12. Distribute lollipops to kids (not a quid pro quo situation)
80. Buy a roll of brightly colored stickers and give them to children you meet during the day (same as #12)
86. Create a craft project or build a bird house with a child.
91. Take people’s photographs at a party or community event, and give the picture to them (Try to avoid sounding creeping when you say, "I've been watching you from over there. You're just so beautiful. So very, very beautiful." And avoid whimpering or weeping.)
99. Offer to take a friend’s child to ball practice (Try the same with a work acquaintance, someone you barely know: "Hey, guy from accounting. Let me take that kid of yours to the park today. No, really, there's plenty of room in my van.")

No, but seriously. You better get on this kindness thing today. It's 51 more weeks until you'll get another chance.


Anonymous said...

is it really a "random act of kindness" if you're planning ahead. Doesn't sound very random to me.

Anonymous said...

For my random act of kindness, I passed out headshots to people on the street. I tell you, the look on thier face when they realized I had worked with Johnny Depp was priceless. Needless to say, I made quite a few people's day.

theclassicbrat said...

Funny, I tend to commit random acts of kindness on a daily basis simply to offset the fact that I'm generally not a nice person. I figure one cancels out the other. After reading this though... maybe I'd better rethink that nice thing. I really do enjoy your blog, thank you!