Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Skeet blows

It was a cold, dark Wednesday night. The wife was travelling, and I had just devoured a Chipotle burrito. It was delicious, but the day had been long and hard. I needed to relax. But what to do? What to do? How's about a little television? Yes, television is mindless and relaxing. A little boob tube. Hmmm, nothing on. Oh, wait. What's this? A show about a nuclear war that takes place in Kansas. Intriguing. Ooh, Skeet Ulrich. He's always good.

Thus began my tolerate-hate relationship with the worst television show since ... well, the worst television show ever: Jericho. I'm not going to explain the show to you, or why I hate it so much. What the hell, I hate it because the acting is atrocious, the plot lines are so predictable that I'm often surprised by their predictability, and did I mention that the acting is terrible? Well, it is.

All of that said, I watch this innane, contrived show every week. It's my entertainment albatross, and I hate every minute of it. I don't look forward to next week. I don't care what happens. I wouldn't mind if every likeable character on the show was maimed and/or killed. Yet I watch unfailingly--every episode for months and months and months.

Have you seen Jericho? Is it not like the worst show ever? Do you have a show like this? If so, why do you watch? Can someone please explain this to me? I'm tired of hiding this dirty little secret. I want my Wednesday nights back. Please help me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have to disagree with you-can't think of a better way to spend Wednesday nights at 8:00!

Trust me, you have no reason to be ashamed-sit back, relax and enjoy the mystery of the show.

And for heaven's sake,

Snakin said...

Perhaps you are right, lola. Apparently I too cannot think of a better way to spend Wednesday nights at 8 EST. That's why I watch Jericho. I will grant that there is a lot of mystery, intrigue if you will. But it doesn't quite compensate for the hackneyed writing and porn-quality acting (or so I've been told). I really don't know why I'm drawn to the show, though I guess I sort of kind of enjoy this ritual. And I'm really not ashamed. I'm just a little perplexed. So, lola, I guess I will say it: I'm a fan. I just don't know why.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan as well and I must disagree with the bad acting, actually. Gerald McRaney, Skeet Ulrich, Pamela Reed and Alicia Coppola (MIMI) are super actors. The problem today is that everyone else on tv are melodramatic and try to steal everyone else's limelight. So, when you have people acting 'real', yeah, they seem boring by comparison. But real people ARE boring and toned-down. No one runs around every 5 minutes screaming like a banshee (I'm talking to you Keifer!) in real life. Nor is EVERY moment life or death. Actors on other shows take themselves, and their characters, WAAAY too seriously. However, this has changed our perception of what good acting is, unfortunately. I prefer the realistic, natural acting of the above mentioned.

(Some are bad actors though -- Emily, Dale, Eric. Bad, bad acting)

Though, I totally agree about most of the writing -- not so good. That can make it very difficult for the actors, and that is why I think you should cut them some slack.

I agree with Lola. Sit back and enjoy the fact that they actually tell you what is going on. On Lost, we would never know what was in the barrel, EVER. Some magical, mystical monster would pop out of the wall and eat Hawkins before he could uncover it.

Row-Boat said...

Oh Cob, you poor thing. I know the feeling as I cannot stop myself from watching The Real World. I hate it, I want to punch the people on the show, yet I tune in every week to see what new drama will unfold. It is my dirty little secret.

I also watch Jericho as I am fascinated by what Hollywood thinks western Kansas is like, so far they have it just about nailed. Except for the hottness level of the people living there. That part I don't buy for a second.